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International Mountain Peace Festival

​July 25 - July 27 ,2024

Gateway to Peace


Organizer:         Union of Asian Alpine Association (UAAA) / UAAA Japan Committee  

Administrator:  Japan Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Association,
                         Niigata Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Association

Cooperation:     The Japanese Alpine Club Echigo Branch, Yahiko Alpine Club, Japan  Workers' Alpine Federation,
                         The Himalayan Association of Japan, Japan Mountain Guides Association

​International Mountain Peace Festival


Mountaineering friends pulled apart in Corona.

Let's gather in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, with mountain buddies from around the world to share mountain climbing safety and world peace!


International exchange is of great significance nowadays, and by interacting with people from all over the world, you will be able to broaden your horizons and see where you stand.

Let's welcome our friends from overseas and climb up to the stage where we can enjoy each other's happiness!


This is a little far from the category of mountaineering safety, but as a climber I also want to pray for peace!

No one should ever take another person's life, hurt them, or put them in hardship or predicament!

First of all, I would like to make it a point to get along and be friends!


Let foreign mountaineers experience Japanese nature, Japanese culture, and the spirit of respecting and honoring our ancestors, and let us enlighten them with our own self-confidence, pride, and Japanese traditions


Mallory said, "Why do we climb mountains?

If we ask ourselves why we live, we should rejoice because there is peace.

​    Personal View

Mr. Nihei Takatoh supported the Japanese Alpine Club financially as well. I would like to have a person like Nihei Takatoh, the second generation of our predecessor. In order to be blessed with finances, I would like to pray to the Takatoh Monument and hang my head deeply in gratitude for its blessings.


I wonder why English is the official language of the Asian Alpine Federation Conference, where so many Asian countries gather. But when I think about it, it could be unfair because of the language difference if people from English-speaking countries enter the meeting. Perhaps it is appropriate to have English as the official language for meetings in non-English speaking countries. People who do not speak English should not be afraid to attend.


Some people have some kind of fear to talk to foreigner, or rather an allergy to foreigners... you can assume that the other one has the same symptoms. If we both have those symptoms, our conversation can never developed to know each other. Let's try to talk to the other even in Japanese, with the enthusiasm of trying to cure each other's disability and estrangement syndrome. You will see some opening there.

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Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture

Nagaoka City is a city with a rich natural environment and history that is proud to be a part of the nation and the world.

Nagaoka City has a population of approximately 260,000 people, with Japan's largest river, the Shinano River, flowing through the center of the city, and is blessed with a natural environment including the Sea of Japan and Mt. Sumon. Despite suffering from disasters, including the Boshin War (1868), two air raids on Nagaoka (1945), and the Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004, Nagaoka has been able to recover each time with the help of its citizens who inherited the spirit of "100 bales of rice".
Later, the city was merged with 10 towns and villages after 2005. There are many unique "attractions of Nagaoka" such as local history, festivals, traditional crafts, and seasonal nature.

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Access to Nagaoka City
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You can find more information here! 👇

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